
Welcome to my kitchen

I’ve always enjoyed searching for recipes and planning meals but the concept of actually cooking intimidated me. I started small, mostly crockpot meals (living with my in-laws limited my confidence to explore anything more complex). Once we got our own house, I wanted to jump in with both feet! Not every meal was a hit, but having a husband who worked until 10pm every night made meal planning more difficult. Fast forward a few years to us expecting our first child, him having better work hours, and me becoming more aware of what I was putting in my body. I started small, using better ingredients in recipes I was already comfortable with. Once our daughter was here, I decided to make all of her purées. That turned into our baby led weaning stage which shined a light into what we were eating and if we didn’t want the baby eating that, we wouldn’t either. Thus began my journey into making a lot of items from scratch, creating my sourdough starter and an obsession with baking bread before